Friday, May 31, 2013

Last Night

 Some à la Terry Richardson snaps before the evening euphoria.
Please excuse my Jurassic Punk attitude.

We AKA The Pubgoers Gang had plenty of fun last night. Me and Cláudia felt like we were the pub version of The Office! Our friend Tom was in town and we had the opportunity to meet his family. I haven't experienced such entushiasm and good times in ages. Last night was unexpectedly awesome - and, may I also say, quite surreal.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

It Girl: Caroline Martial

If Lady Gaga and Alice Glass had a white trash love child on speed, her name would be Caroline Martial! Fierce attitude, carefree coolness, punk ferocity, bruised knees, ripped stockings, smeared make-up, frenetic energy and a weirdo quirk - these are Caroline's signature hallmarks.
For those who don't know of who I'm talking about, Caroline Martial is the très cool frontlady of the French electro-punk duo Kap Bambino. Martial's electrifying presence adds a wild raver vibe to their live performances. The Bordeaux-based duo had established something of a cult following on the underground scene, due to this girl's raw vocals in a heavily French-accented English. I like her style so much, as she wears such charismatic outfits and yet, so effortlessly cool and edgy, mixing vintage and retro elements with punk, grunge and trashy influences. She doesn't give a shit, she couldn't care less, and that's what it makes her style so awesome.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

♥ Sunday Best ♥ #7

This will make you smile!
Illustrated bats by Ernst Haeckel - absolutely fascinating! Some of them look like terrifying demons.

Frozen balloons that look like giant marbles. Such a fun idea!
This is one of the loveliest illustrated bunnies I've ever seen.
I don't know who this girl is but her style is beyond gorgeous!
How creative is this?
Could this breakfast get any better?
The Great Gatsby costumes by Catherine Martin

Peach & Passionfruit Ice Cream with Honey

5 cups passionfruit pulp; 1 peach; 200ml heavy cream; 400ml condensed milk; 1 cup honey.

In a large bowl, beat cream and condensed until it begins to thicken. Add the peach and the passionfruit pulp; beat until stiff peaks form. Spoon into dessert dishes! Freeze for 5 hours. Serve with honey.

Deliciously refreshing and sweet, a great Summer dessert. The passionfruit seeds provide a nice crunch!

1 lata de polpa de maracujá; 1 pêssego; 200ml natas; 400ml leite condensado; 1 chávena de mel.

Bater o leite condensado com as natas até engrossar. Adicionar o pêssego e a polpa de maracujá. Bater até ganhar firmeza. Congelar durante 5 horas. Servir com mel.

Deliciosamente fresco e doce, óptima sobremesa de Verão. As sementes do maracujá são adoravelmente crocantes.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Inspiration: The Craft (1996)

Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Ring a bell? For anyone who grew up in the nostalgic 90's, this film is beyond iconic. Teenage pop horror at its best: magic spells, schoolgirls and, of course, an amazing soundtrack! I fell in love with this film's portrayal of witchcraft ever since I watched it - and I'm not even into the occult.
Sarah is the new teenager in a Catholic high school. She's suicidal, angsty and devoid of a mother. Soon she meets up with three other girls, the social outcasts who are bullied and ridiculed by the popular peers.

Nancy Downs is deliciously evil, maybe that's why she's my favourite among the four. She is the typical powerthirsty Goth girl with an abusive stepfather, stuck in a trailer trash life.
Bonnie is this insecure wallflower, mostly due to her skin burns. And then there's Rochelle,  who suffers because of the racist bitches who make her school days a living hell.
The Craft is an all time favourite witch flick and I shall rewatch it whenever it's on TV. It's such an entertaining movie and it brings back so many memories. You see, when I was in high school, me and three other classmates took this film VERY seriously and decided to join our souls in a similar way, secretly becoming the highschool coven. How pathetic, I know. But still, that's how much a film can define a generation and shape one's youth.

Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Lembram-se? Para quem cresceu nos nostálgicos anos 90, este filme é mais que icónico. Terror teen pop ao seu melhor: feitiços, colegiais e claro está, uma banda sonora fantástica! Apaixonei-me pela feitiçaria retratada neste filme desde que o vi - e eu nem me interesso pelo oculto.
Sarah é a nova adolescente no liceu católico. Angustiada, suicida e orfã de mãe. Brevemente conhece mais três raparigas, socialmente inadaptadas e marginalizadas pelo pessoal mais popular da escola.
Nancy Downs é deliciosamente malévola, talvez por isso seja a minha preferida entre as quatro. Ela é a típica miuda gótica com sede de poder, um padrasto infernal e escravizada por um quotidiano medíocre.
Bonnie é tímida e insegura, muito pelo facto de ter a pele repleta de queimaduras. E ainda há a Rochelle, que sofre por causa das cabras racistas que a atormentam na escola.
The Craft é um dos meus filmes favoritos de sempre, e revejo-o sempre que esteja a passar na televisão. É um filme que me traz algumas memórias. É que, quando eu andava na escola, juntei-me com mais três raparigas que também levaram o filme muito a sério e decidimos unir as nossas almas da mesma maneira, secretamente formando um quarteto herege de pseudo-bruxedo. Patético, eu sei. Mas, ainda assim, dá para ver o quão um filme pode definir uma geração e moldar a juventude de alguém.